Saturday, December 13, 2008

On The Stands Now!!!

Here's the colored version of the cover for HACK/SLASH #18--On the stands now! It features absolutely stunning work by colorist Lizzie John. If you scroll down my blog you can check out the entire process of the making of this cover. From layouts to pencils, ink, and now color.
I would like to point out my disappointment with the actual published cover though in that they added the credit list on the cover over my and inker Paul Wee's signatures. Me, I don't care about, and I'm embarrassed to say that my signature is visible, but Paul's is obscured. This was Paul's first comic work, and I really wish that he'd been able to see his signature on the cover. I'm really sorry, Paul.
I also wish that Lizzie had signed the cover. This was one of my favorite collaberative efforts I've ever worked on, and I feel like it would have been great if we all had visible signatures on this one.

New Stuff Part 3!!!

Here's the colored version of the Forgotten Realms cover that Ray Snyder and I did recently for DDP. It features RA Salvatore's popular character, Drizzt. We had a great time with this one. I really dug working on the panther.

More New Stuff!!!!

Here's a cover that I drew a couple of months ago for DDP and CAPCOM's BIONIC COMMANDO comic series. I'm not sure when it's coming out, and I haven't seen any colors for it yet...Inks are by Ray Snyder, and are really excellent--Thanks Ray!

New Stuff!!!

Here's a piece that I drew & inked myself for a book called Wolalina. I've been fooling around with making my background characters more distinctive to offset the idealized looks of my "heroic" main characters. I really ended up having a great time with the revolutionary war soldiers behind Wolalina here. I hope the contrast works...